Coaching and therapy are two distinct practices that support individuals in different ways. The primary difference lies in their focus and methodology. Therapy, often conducted by licensed professionals such as psychotherapists, delves into the past to understand and heal emotional traumas or psychological issues. It’s designed to help individuals cope with mental health challenges, understand their behaviour patterns, and work through emotional distress. Therapists diagnose and treat mental health disorders, offering a space to explore deep-seated issues, understand personal history, and work towards emotional healing.

Coaching, on the other hand, is more future-oriented and goal-focused. It’s about enhancing personal and professional development. Coaches do not treat mental health issues but rather focus on helping individuals achieve specific goals, improve performance, and develop skills. Coaching is about unlocking a person’s potential to maximise their performance. It’s action-oriented, with an emphasis on the present and future, and often involves setting goals, creating action plans, and developing new skills or strategies.

In summary, therapy is about healing and understanding, focusing on past and present emotional experiences to improve mental health. Coaching is about personal and professional growth, focusing on the present and future to achieve specific goals and enhance performance.

Coaching and mentoring, while both valuable in personal and professional development, differ in their approach, focus, and objectives. Coaching is typically a structured, time-bound process focused on specific development goals or issues. It’s akin to a skilled coach guiding an athlete: the coach has expertise in coaching techniques and helps the individual to unlock their potential, often addressing specific challenges or skills. The coach doesn’t need to be an expert in the coaching client’s field; instead, they’re skilled in facilitating growth, offering tools and strategies to help the coaching client find their own solutions.

Mentoring, on the other hand, is more like a seasoned guide sharing their wisdom from personal experience. It’s usually a longer-term relationship, where the mentor, who has experience and knowledge in the same field as the mentee, offers advice, shares insights, and helps navigate career paths or personal growth. Mentors provide guidance, support, and wisdom gleaned from their own journeys, often focusing on overall development rather than specific issues.

In summary, coaching is a structured, goal-focused approach relying on facilitative techniques to enhance performance or skills, whereas mentoring is an advisory relationship based on the mentor’s experience and knowledge in a similar field, aiming for broader personal or career development.

Think of sales leadership coaching more as coaching with some mentoring, whilst sales coaching for your team is more tactical, like mentoring.

Coaching and advising are two distinct approaches to guidance and personal development, each with its own unique focus and methodology. 

Coaching is a facilitative process where the coach helps the individual to uncover their own solutions and paths forward. In coaching, the coach primarily listens, asks probing questions, and encourages self-discovery. The coach’s role is not to provide answers, but to guide the individual to find their own solutions and strategies. This method is built on the belief that the individual holds the keys to their own growth and the coach is there to unlock that potential.

Advising, however, is more direct. An advisor is an expert in a particular area and shares their knowledge and expertise to provide solutions, recommendations, or advice. Unlike coaching, where the answers come from within the individual, in advising, the answers come from the advisor’s own knowledge and experience. Advisors provide specific guidance, often based on their own expertise, and direct the individual on what to do, which can be particularly useful in specialised fields or complex situations where expert knowledge is essential.

In essence, coaching is about facilitating self-discovery and empowering individuals to find their own solutions, while advising is about providing expert advice and direction from the advisor’s own knowledge base.

Mentoring and advising, while similar in their supportive roles, differ in approach and purpose. Mentoring is a long-term, developmental relationship where a more experienced individual (mentor) guides another (mentee) in personal and professional growth. It’s holistic, focusing on the mentee’s overall development, and often involves sharing experiences, providing support, and nurturing potential.

Advising, on the other hand, is more immediate and specific. It involves an expert or knowledgeable person (advisor) giving advice, solutions, or recommendations on particular issues or decisions. Advising is often short-term and issue-specific, focusing on providing guidance or solving a particular problem, rather than the broader development offered in mentoring.

Coaching is like having a personal guide on your journey to self-improvement. It’s a powerful service that helps you unlock your potential and achieve goals you might have thought were out of reach. Think of a coach as a trusted friend who’s there to provide support, encouragement, and sometimes a gentle nudge in the right direction.

Firstly, coaching offers clarity. It’s easy to get lost in the hustle and bustle of daily life. A coach helps you step back, identify what you really want, and focus on the steps to get there. This clarity is like turning on a light in a dark room – suddenly, you can see your way forward.

Secondly, coaching boosts your confidence. It’s like having someone in your corner who believes in you, even when you doubt yourself. This belief can be contagious, helping you build self-confidence and take on challenges with a positive attitude.

Thirdly, coaching provides accountability. Just like a gym buddy who keeps you on track with your fitness goals, a coach helps keep you accountable to your personal or professional goals. This accountability ensures you stay committed and make consistent progress.

Lastly, coaching is a catalyst for change. It’s not just about talking; it’s about taking action. With a coach’s guidance, you can make meaningful changes that have a lasting impact on your life. You’ll be amazed at what you can achieve with a little coaching magic!

Executive coaching focuses on professional development within an organisational context, targeting leadership skills, business strategies, and career advancement. It often involves stakeholders beyond the individual client, such as the company or team. The goals are typically aligned with improving workplace performance and achieving business objectives.

Life coaching, on the other hand, takes a holistic approach to personal growth across all aspects of an individual’s life. It may address relationships, work-life balance, personal fulfilment, and overall well-being. Life coaching is client-driven, with goals set by the individual based on their personal aspirations and values.

Often, there is an overlap, and Obnatus works with executives who want to focused on professional outcomes. Hence, we focus on personal development first, as some limiting beliefs and behaviours often originate from “life” rather than “work”. The two can blend into one another but do not have to.

The coaching client is always in charge of the direction they want to go, and the goal they want to pursue.

Overall the benefits of coaching can be summarised as follows:

  • Self-awareness and self-observation of leadership behaviour
  • A more conscious approach to both leadership and personal life
  • An improved leadership style, teamwork and management skills
  • An improved influence and performance
  • Better interpersonal and communication skills leading to better relationships across your business and personal life
  • Increased flexibility in managing change
  • A better understanding of handling conflict, stress and change

A coach will be your support buddy and your accountability partner, creating a safe space, holding you accountable to reach your goals. The most important thing a coach does is that the coach will help you to manage and change your mindset over time. Creating new habits, helping you to rewire your brain and accomplish what you want to achieve.

Embarking on a coaching journey can be an exciting and transformative experience. Here’s what you can generally expect:

  1. Goal Setting: Coaching typically starts with identifying specific personal or professional goals. You’ll work with your coach to define what you want to achieve.
  2. Structured Approach: Expect a structured process, with regular sessions and a clear agenda. This structure helps maintain focus and momentum.
  3. Active Participation: Coaching requires your active engagement. You’ll need to be open to discussions, self-reflection, and taking action outside of sessions.
  4. Solution-Focused: Coaching is solution-oriented, focusing on finding practical ways to achieve your goals and overcome obstacles.
  5. Personal Accountability: Your coach will hold you accountable for your progress, helping you stay committed to your goals and the actions needed to achieve them.
  6. Feedback and Perspective: Expect to receive constructive feedback and fresh perspectives. A coach offers insights that can challenge and broaden your thinking.
  7. Skill Development: Coaching often involves developing new skills or enhancing existing ones, such as communication, leadership, or time management.
  8. Progress Tracking: You and your coach will regularly review and assess your progress towards your goals, adjusting strategies as needed.
  9. Confidentiality: Just like therapy, coaching provides a confidential space where you can speak openly and honestly.
  10. Empowerment: Ultimately, coaching aims to empower you. It’s about building your self-reliance and confidence to handle future challenges independently.

Remember, the effectiveness of coaching largely depends on the chemistry between you and your coach, as well as your willingness to participate and make changes.

Here’s what you can typically expect from the therapy experience:

  • Initial Assessment: The first few sessions are often about assessment. Your therapist will ask questions about your life, history, and what brought you to therapy. This helps them understand your needs and how best to assist you.
  • Establishing Goals: You and your therapist will work together to identify goals for your therapy. These could be specific (like developing coping strategies for anxiety) or more general (like improving overall well-being).
  • Safe and Confidential Space: Therapy provides a confidential and non-judgmental environment. This safety allows you to explore your thoughts, feelings, and behaviours openly.
  • Active Participation: Therapy is not a passive process. It requires active engagement both during sessions and outside of them. Homework, like journaling or practising new skills, may be part of the process.
  • Emotional Challenges: Therapy can be emotionally challenging. Discussing difficult memories or feelings can be uncomfortable, but it’s a crucial part of the healing process.
  • Progress and Setbacks: Healing is not linear. You may experience progress as well as setbacks, and it’s important to discuss these with your therapist to adjust your treatment plan as needed.
  • Collaborative Relationship: A strong therapeutic relationship is key. A good therapist doesn’t give direct advice or tell you what to do. Instead, they guide and support you in finding your own solutions.
  • Duration and Frequency: The length and frequency of therapy vary. It could be short-term for specific issues, or longer-term for more complex challenges. Sessions are typically once a week, but this can be adjusted based on your situation.
  • Review and Adaptation: Therapy evolves over time. As you grow and change, your therapy approach might also change. Regular reviews of your progress and goals are an essential part of this process.
  • End of Therapy: Eventually, you may feel ready to end therapy. This decision is made collaboratively, and the process of ending therapy is an important and intentional part of your journey.
  • Psychodynamic Theory: Imagine that your mind is like an iceberg with most of it hidden under the surface. That’s what Sigmund Freud believed. He thought that our subconscious thoughts and feelings, which we’re often unaware of, influence our everyday behaviour. Ever felt like you’re being pulled in different directions without knowing why? That’s the subconscious at work!
  • Person-Centred Therapy: Carl Rogers had a hopeful view. He believed that, just like a plant reaching for sunlight, we naturally strive to grow and improve, even after tough times. In this approach, I aim to create a welcoming space that helps you blossom into your best self.
  • Behavioural Approach: This is all about the learning process. It’s the idea that our environment and experiences shape our reactions and behaviours. Ever noticed how some children share the same fears as their parents, while others have different ones? That’s learning in action!
  • Existential Therapy: Here, we delve into your unique place in the world. It’s about understanding your own experiences and finding meaning in life. Sometimes, anxiety is just part of being human and can lead us to discover our life’s purpose.
  • Gestalt Therapy: In our fast-paced world, we often miss what’s happening around us and within us. Gestalt therapy brings our focus back to the present, helping us understand the wisdom our body and emotions have to offer. Have you ever thought about how your body can guide you if you just listen?
  • Transactional Analysis (TA): This approach is super helpful when improving communication and relationships. TA shows us how we switch between different roles, like being an adult or a child, in various situations. It’s a tool to understand and respond effectively in our interactions.
  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Rational Emotive Therapy (REBT): These are fantastic for tackling issues like anxiety, depression, and fears. They focus on the here and now, teaching you how your thoughts influence your feelings and actions. It’s about changing what you can and finding new perspectives for what you cannot control. For instance, changing your environment can shift your mood – think about how you feel stepping off a plane into a holiday paradise!
  • Solution-Focused Therapy: Instead of dwelling on the past, imagine concentrating on a clear vision of your future. This approach helps you recognise the skills and resources you already have and use them to achieve your goals. With guidance, you can break down these goals into achievable steps. You might be closer to knowing what you want and how to get there than you think!

Each of these approaches offers a unique way to explore and understand yourself, helping you to navigate life’s challenges with more clarity and confidence.

Additionally, Volker is a qualified hypno-therapist.

  • Hypnotherapy is a therapeutic technique that harnesses the power of hypnosis, a state of focused attention and heightened suggestibility, often accompanied by deep relaxation. It’s like guiding the mind into a more receptive state, allowing for positive changes in perceptions, sensations, emotions, thoughts, or behaviour. During a hypnotherapy session, a trained therapist guides the individual into this relaxed, trance-like state. In this state, people are more open to suggestions and exploring deeper issues they may not be fully conscious of in their regular state of mind.

Our sessions are 50 minutes.

I will finish between 50 and 55 minutes most of the time. But I want to leave 5-10 minutes prior to the next session or your next meeting.
It gives us time to confirm the next session as well.